Thursday, July 28, 2011

Shopping Adventure

Dr. Carl and I just returned from a shopping spree.  We rode the bikes along the Roaring Fork River on the Rio Grande Trail, the usual way, but peeled off a side trail to Aspen Meadows Resort.  We had never been over there so I was surprised to see quite a nice resort compound which I believe is part of the Aspen Institute.  There was quite a steep hill climb over loose gravel so we couldn't make it up on skinny tires.

At the top of the hill we encountered this colorful sculpture.

We rode to the tent to get a few more CDs at the dub office but the office was closed.  We continued into town and used a Starbucks gift card to procure a couple of pounds of coffee.  Then off to a bike shop to see about getting a mirror for the bike I ride so I can keep tabs on those who follow but the inside diameter of the handlebar was too small to accommodate the available mirror.  No big deal.  Then we dropped into the bakery for yet another loaf of six-grain.  Again, no day-old bread available.  Then back to the dub office.

We saw this sign "Havanese Crossing" which reminded me of our dog Max.  And George too.

We took an alternate route back to the duplex.  We had to walk the bikes down a narrow single-track trail that was aptly posted "No Bikes".  I suppose a highly skilled mountain biker could have made it but I'm glad we chose to heed the warning.

I suppose we rode about six miles.  Very refreshing.

Now off to Maya's rehearsal and the grocery store.

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