Did some laundry, washed the bugs off the car, DQ drive-through, and I have a few minutes to post a few photos before running over to meet up with Maya.
Jamuna is apparently having a blast in Tyler, TX, living on just a few hours of sleep every night. Practicing hard and playing hard. Tubing on Tyler Lake, swimming, movies, etc. Abe is hard at work in the office of DFW WOW! doing his duties as "director-in-training" or something like that.
Last night the gang at BLYAP endured a marathon session on technical studies for violin by DMA candidate Bryan Hall. They played scales to rap beats along with a bunch of other fun stuff. Here's Maya and Emily working on a vibrato exercise:
Today was Maya's last class with Mr. Clapp and pianist Naomi Woo. Tonight Maya will perform an encore piece, Polonaise, by Wieniawski.
I asked Maya which of her instructors here at BYLAP she would want to take home with her for a month and she chose Mr. Clapp. Excellent choice, I think, though all the faculty here are wonderful.
Below is a shot of Maya trying to get Oliver to say "Maya".